Jos Smits' scientific publications.
A. Van Itterbeek, G. Forrez, J. Smits et J. Witters: Le Journal de Physique et le Radium, Tome 21, février 1960, p. 19: "Résonance ferromagnétique dans des films de permalloy".
A. Van Itterbeek, J. Smits, G. Forrez et J. Witters: Le Journal de Physique et le Radium, Tome 22, janvier 1961, p. 81: "Résonance ferromagnétique dans un alliage Fe-Ni sous forme de couches minces".
J. Smits: PhD-thesis, Nov 1960 (later published by J.Witters without mentioning the name of the main contributor of the experimental and textwriting work): "Ferromagnetische Resonantie met cm-golven in filmen van ijzer-nikkel-legeringen".
J. Smits: Focus, nr. 20, 27.9.1963, "Filterfactoren".
J.J.R. Smits and H.J. Corluy: Journal of Photographic Science (1965): "Colour reproduction as a function of tone-scale in negative-positive and reversal systems".
J. Smits, H. Corluy und J. De Kerf: Die Farbe 15 (1966) S. 102: "Farbmetrische Analyse photographischer Farbwiedergabe-Verfahren".
J. Smits: Symposium Researchfotografie Eindhoven 22-23 april 1968: "Fotografisch materiaal met hoog scheidend vermogen".
J.J. Smits: Lezing op de studiedagen bij de Internationale Jaarbeurs te Brussel op 24 april 1969: "Fotografische Materialen voor Holografie".
J.J. Smits: Volkssterrenwacht URANIA, Hove, 18 juni 1969: Voordracht over toepassingen van Lasers.
J.J. Smits: Revue de la Société Royale Belge des Ingénieurs et des Industriels, 1970, n° 6/7, p. 345: "Les matériaux photographiques à haut pouvoir résolvant: Leurs applications scientifiques et techniques".
J. Smits: Omega, nr. 3, 1973, blz. 26: "Holografie".
Several semi-commercial brochures on scientific applications of photography: photomicrography, electron micrography, photographic recording paper, holography, nuclear emulsions, electronic chips mask plates, bubble chamber photography, colour filters.
L. De Wilde, Borgerhout 1969: "Holografie".
E. Van Camp, Borgerhout 1969: "Lasers".
J. Snacken, Borgerhout 1970: "Ontwerp van een trillingsvrije tafel voor holografische proefnemingen".
L. Smits, Hoboken 1971: "Lasers en Holografie".
T. Bauning, Borgerhout 1972: "Precisie-vervormingsmetingen met behulp van holografie".
H. Debeer, Borgerhout 1973: "Holografisch onderzoek van lijmverbindingen".
Proefschift Cyclus Marketing Management UFSIA, Antwerpen 1969: "Marketing van Micronmask Platen voor de Elektronische Industrie".
Marketing Conferenties Agfa-Gevaert NV, Mortsel 1973-74, blz. 2.02: "Produktpolitiek".
1976: "Influence of the monthly number of working days in the Western (Christian) World on the interpretation of sales statistics in technical applications of photography (seasonal influence)" ; text refused for publication by the "publication committee" of Agfa-Gevaert. Probably they did not get the point because they, as research members, did not understand "sales figures". Eastman Kodak published 13-weeks sales.They knew what was going on.
Coaching Proefschrift Rijkshogeschool Gent, 1978-79: "The life-cycle of a product".